A lot of people are calling vegans extreme. Yes, it seems extreme to restrict yourself from so much food choices (especially in restaurants). And it is annoying for someone to invite you because you always need a kind of extra treatment. It seems extreme to always read the ingredients from every article you buy in the supermarket and to put it back just because there is a little egg powder in it. But watch your own actions and ask yourself if not you are the extreme one. Why do we need meat on the table every day and milk in every dressing? Why should we buy these processed foods with egg and milk powder in it? Why would you want to support an industry which is exploiting so many sentient beings? You as a consumer are responsible for these industries because you demand these products by buying it. Isn’t it extreme to let so many living beings suffer and kill them just so we can enjoy a meal despite the fact that we have other options to eat which are at least as healthy (most likely better) for you? Isn’t it extreme to cuddle your cat or dog while eating chicken wings with your other hand? If you are really thinking about all these questions your actions have to seem somehow controversial and I hope you can understand why vegans aren’t the extreme ones, they just try to not support any animal suffering. This should rather be appreciated and not labeled as something bad. We also wouldn’t call a non-smoker extreme for not wanting to smoke a cigarette with his friends, right? It’s a decision everyone has to take for himself. One cigarette will most probably not affect your health and neither does a sip of milk, but why should you do it, if you have an alternative? It seems extreme for others because veganism is still new, but it only seems this way because most societies are not used to it yet. All revolutionary thoughts seemed extreme in the beginning, till the societies got used to it. So I suggest to not call vegans “extreme” anymore and instead use the word caring 😉

Here you can have a look at what happens to a baby boy chicken if you eat eggs. Yes, baby boy chickens get shredded or gassed because they don’t produce eggs and don’t produce enough meat. This is one of many reasons why vegans are so strict and for example, refuse to eat a product with egg powder in it. So is it extreme to not support an industry where baby animals get shredded and instead want them to have a happy life?

Now put the bar in the picture from the right side to the left. What a surprise the baby chicken won’t get shredded if you go/are vegan 😉

Do the change and go vegan

By simply making other choices in the supermarket you can have a direct impact on the harm caused to other living beings. If you have any concerns regarding veganism have a look at my other articles and if you still have open questions or if you are struggling at a specific point, just leave me a comment or contact me directly. If you want to support this webpage and me to continue spreading the vegan message you can do this here. Thank you a lot.

Don’t close your eyes and ask yourself what stops you to make a difference? I am convinced you won’t regret it.
