Why shouldn’t it be possible to feed around 8 billion people on earth on a plant-based diet if we are feeding right now between 50 -70 billion (depending on the source) land animals for farming purposes per year? These animals are fed today so we can eat them or get other products from them. Of course, a lot of them eat grass or some kind of corns we cannot really live on. And of course, there are areas where it is not possible to plant something else. But if we look at the pure amount of animals we are raising today and the calories we have to feed them and the fact that it needs way more calories to get a piece of meat than just eating vegetables. Instead of filtering food through animals and eat them afterwards why not eating the food directly? It would not be necessary to change every meadowland into a vegetable garden, because we need fewer grains/vegetables to feed us humans directly without the energy/resource loss of filtering it through animals.

So if we cut down feeding over 50 billion (let’s take the lower number so nobody can complain,😉 but we can even cut it down to 40 billion farming animals if you want and it won’t change the fact) land animals (for farming) I am quite sure we will be able to replace the animal products in our diet with vegan options. So we can save resources like water and animal feed, we will have fewer areas which will be used for animal feed and therefore, have more nature, more richness in species/biodiversity. All this disregarding of the overfertilization of our land areas, because of all the dung of these animals, which is already a huge problem. To conclude: Feeding 50 billion land animals less and instead replace some food choices from 8 billion humans, you all can do the math, it is definitely possible. And cows, pigs, chickens and horses could still live on this earth, but on a lower number of course (as we aren’t breeding them into existence to slaughter them).

I don’t say that all farming animals have a horrible life. There are animal products which try to give the best possible life for an animal for production. And I really appreciate this and it is definitely better than raising them under horrible circumstances and take everything from them. So if you cannot cut down on animal products, you could start by buying only products with certain labels (but please doublecheck them first, because they often try to fool you). And if you consider this you are already on a good way, because you are thinking about it. But please consider that a lot of products have egg powder, milk powder or other animal products in it. And these ingredients are usually from the worst factories because it is cheaper and nobody cares where it’s from. So if you really want to tell yourself that you don’t support industrial livestock farming than please keep one’s hand off these products (and there are a lot, most cookies and other sweets for example). These ingredients make a huge amount of total animal agriculture. And also consider that every farm animal doesn’t matter how well it is treated, is used for human purposes. Either it gets impregnated against its will, slaughtered against it’s will or captured against its will and other treatments which are not okay. Any of these actions cannot really be linked with a good life. So buying animals products from a good source is better, because some pain is reduced, but by just not buying them at all you could reduce the suffering of these animals to zero.

Do the change and go vegan

By simply making other choices in the supermarket you can have a direct impact on the harm caused to other living beings. If you have any concerns regarding veganism have a look at my other articles and if you still have open questions or if you are struggling at a specific point, just leave me a comment or contact me directly. If you want to support this webpage and me to continue spreading the vegan message you can do this here. Thank you a lot.

Don’t close your eyes and ask yourself what stops you to make a difference? I am convinced you won’t regret it.
