The claim that vegans want farmers to lose their jobs is totally wrong. “But vegans want to destroy the animal agriculture sector, right?” Yes that’s true but first of all we have to clear the prejudice that vegans hate farmers, because vegans don’t. The farmers are just doing their job and as long as the demand for animal products is existent there will be farmer producing it. Vegans are not angry at the consumers, not at the farmers and not at the shops, we just don’t like the way how animals are treated. So if we are successful and the demand for animal products is falling over time more and more farmers will have to stop producing it. But people still have to eat something, right? A vegan diet is higher in vegetables, beans, grain, fruits, etc., which has to be produced by someone.

Farmers need to adapt to the change

The farmers will automatically produce something else as soon as the demand for animal products is decreasing. I am pretty sure the market for tofu and meat-replacements will be a profitable market. So the earlier the farmers switch to produce sources for such products, the better is their chance to gain ground in those areas. Or what about Sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.? There will also be whole new markets and new jobs. As an example: There have already been several cheese production firms which have switched successfully to soy or cashew cheese productions. Another example is the meat industry and meat suppliers which wanted to work together with “beyond meat” as they are starting to realize the success of meat-alternatives. The business is always following the money and so are the jobs. We still need to eat and therefore more people will be employed in the “vegan” food industry (if we can call it like that 😉). Just think about all the slaughterhouse employees. Most of them didn’t choose to work there and they don’t like it, but they have to. I really hope for them that they can soon work in a friendlier environment. The organic industry is also growing as more and more people start to realize that organic products are not only healthier but also taste better and have a smaller environmental impact.

Do the change and go vegan

By simply making other choices in the supermarket you can have a direct impact on the harm caused to other living beings. If you have any concerns regarding veganism have a look at my other articles and if you still have open questions or if you are struggling at a specific point, just leave me a comment or contact me directly. If you want to support this webpage and me to continue spreading the vegan message you can do this here. Thank you a lot.

Don’t close your eyes and ask yourself what stops you to make a difference? I am convinced you won’t regret it.
