A lot of people point to the fact that we have sharp canine teeth like a predator and are therefore not designed for a vegan diet. We are omnivore because we are able to eat meat and vegetables so we can choose what we want to eat. But that doesn’t make meat the perfect “fuel” for our body. And we are definitely not a predator as we have mostly flat teeth. And our canine teeth are a joke for every victim. A lot of herbivore animals also have sharp canine teeth (some horses, pigs and cows and look at the hippo picture down below). They have them in different forms and variations, but if you compare a denture of a herbivore, carnivore and one of a human you can definitely see what our teeth are designed to eat (Think about the fact that we cut our meat into pieces and cook it. We wouldn’t take a bite from a living cow).


Herbivore (sometimes insects so partly Omnivore)



And if we compare our gut with one of a herbivore and a carnivore we can also see what he is designed for. A long gut is perfect to digest vegetables, legumes, corn, bees but not really meat. Of course, our gut is not similar to a pure herbivore as we are also able to eat meat, but in the end, it is way closer to a herbivore than to a carnivore.

Still, we are able to eat meat because in history we had the need to eat meat out of survival and our body has evolved. But just because we are able to do it doesn’t mean it is as good as other food for our body. Just because it was possible to fuel old diesel car with plant-oils it wasn’t really common, because there have been better options which have been more sustainable for the engine. As I showed you we are perfectly designed for a plant-based diet but in comparison to a carnivore we are not designed to eat meat, we are just able to. But in today’s modern society you don’t eat meat out of survival so why not stick to a plant-based one which fits your body and health better.

Do the change and go vegan

By simply making other choices in the supermarket you can have a direct impact on the harm caused to other living beings. If you have any concerns regarding veganism have a look at my other articles and if you still have open questions or if you are struggling at a specific point, just leave me a comment or contact me directly. If you want to support this webpage and me to continue spreading the vegan message you can do this here. Thank you a lot.

Don’t close your eyes and ask yourself what stops you to make a difference? I am convinced you won’t regret it.
