As already mentioned in this post (lion). We are not designed to hunt. But let’s look at this from another perspective. We can’t take nature as an excuse for our actions. Just as an example: Some male animals have sex with female animals without their “permission”. What would we call this in the “human” world? Rape of course. If two male animals are fighting each other (territorial reasons or to impress a female) and one gets killed, it is totally natural. What would we call this if two humans kill each other? Murder. There is so much going on in nature which is unacceptable in our human society. That’s why we call ourselves civilized. So I think it is inappropriate to use nature as an excuse for our actions. Even more, if you think about the fact that we have the ability to think and decide which actions we take and what is right and wrong because we are not only driven by our instincts. We have the ability to question our actions. Why should we feel superior to animals and call ourselves civilized if we compare our behavior to them? In today’s modern societies we have the possibility to eat plant-based and live a happy and healthy life and there are more vegan options in the supermarket every day. We have to change our behavior and stop searching for excuses.

By simply making other choices in the supermarket you can have a direct impact on the harm caused to other living beings. If you have any concerns regarding veganism have a look at my other articles and if you still have open questions or if you are struggling at a specific point, just leave me a comment or contact me directly.

Don’t close your eyes and ask yourself what stops you to make a difference? I am convinced you won’t regret it.
