This is also a common statement I can totally relate to. I also used to think this way, because as a consumer you feel like a little fish in the sea and it doesn’t seem like you as an individual have the power to change anything. And why should you stop eating meat if the animal gets killed anyway and you can’t change it? This is the wrong kind of thinking and most people even know it. The market principle is supply and demand and yes, I agree with you the market will not stop producing meat just because one person changed. But as you maybe have realized in the last couple of years a lot of people got more aware of what is going on in the meat and dairy industry and stopped or reduced eating those products. By this change in demand, less meat is getting produced and fewer animals have to die. Simple as that 😉 And if we have a look at statistics where we can see an average person eating 100 to 120-kilo meat per year and count it up to a lifespan it will definitely make an impact. Especially for all the animals not going to a slaughterhouse.

So yes the (dead) animal which is already in the supermarket is “dead anyway” but you can have an impact on how many dead animals are lying at the sales counter in the following months. But as a consumer, you have a direct influence what is delivered to the supermarket. It is exactly like the democratic principle. By not buying meat you vote for it to stop. So help to make the change by simply choose alternatives and inform yourself about the topic.

Do the change and go vegan

By simply making other choices in the supermarket you can have a direct impact on the harm caused to other living beings. If you have any concerns regarding veganism have a look at my other articles and if you still have open questions or if you are struggling at a specific point, just leave me a comment or contact me directly. If you want to support this webpage and me to continue spreading the vegan message you can do this here. Thank you a lot.

Don’t close your eyes and ask yourself what stops you to make a difference? I am convinced you won’t regret it.
