“But it is a farming animal” is often used as an excuse for eating animal products. I never realized what this term really means when I was eating meat. Humans decided at one point in time which animals are practical to make use of (for meat, dairy, eggs, or work). And we decided to call them farm animals. If you ask someone why he is eating a pig but not a dog his answer will be: The cow is a farm animal and the dog is a pet. We use our own definition as an excuse to exploit those animals. Seems not like a good argument. If you are asking what the difference between these two animals is, your counterpart will probably say: The dog is more intelligent. Which is not true. Or he will argue on the fact that the dog has a stronger relationship to the human. But he probably never had a pig for several years at his side, because otherwise, he would now that they behave pretty similar around us if they are used to it.

We can see a “farming animal” a wild animal and a pet. They look different but all of them feel the same pain, suffer and have a will to live. Let’s state the fact: We made the term “farm animals” up and using it now as an excuse and let us feel better because it would feel wrong to eat a pet. The term farming animal doesn’t make the treatment of these animals more legitimate or morally better, only easier to accept in our culture.

Do the change and go vegan

By simply making other choices in the supermarket you can have a direct impact on the harm caused to other living beings. If you have any concerns regarding veganism have a look at my other articles and if you still have open questions or if you are struggling at a specific point, just leave me a comment or contact me directly. If you want to support this webpage and me to continue spreading the vegan message you can do this here. Thank you a lot.

Don’t close your eyes and ask yourself what stops you to make a difference? I am convinced you won’t regret it.
