Vegans always have to tell everyone that they are vegan.

This statement goes hand in hand with “vegans try to convince everybody” and also with “vegans think they are better humans” (see article). And I have to agree to this statement. It is quite hard not to tell someone you are spending time with. And there is a simple reason for this. We eat three times a day and it is one of the most important topics for humans. So it is pretty likely you eat a meal with another person or you talk about food. When I got vegan I didn’t want to contribute to this statement and I only told people if they are asking me directly or if I have to tell them (because they are cooking for me or if they want to give me something to try). So I never told someone just out of the blue and it still felt like everyone felt annoyed if I had to tell them. Even if they ask you first. So non-vegans just have this prejudice in their mind about vegans which always have to tell everybody. But in most cases, vegans have to tell them out of a reason (decline something to eat, people are already talking about the topic, getting directly asked, invitations for dinner). Of course, there are events where vegans try to get attention from the public and they try to explain the need for veganism. Events like “anonymous for the voiceless” are great and necessary, but they are like every other demonstration, political event or aid agency which is trying to get people’s attention. If there are political reasons it is okay, but if the reason is veganism everyone feels confirmed in their prejudice that vegans always have to tell everybody.

For all non-vegans, please understand that most vegans don’t want to smash this information into your face but only want to do their thing (and of course if someone is interested in the topic to talk with them about it). And if someone is using this statement explain to him where it is coming from. A simple answer could be: Yes you are right; vegans often talk about it, but mostly just because they have to. Food is such an important topic in our society we discuss it and eat three times a day. I am quite sure most vegans you met didn’t tell you out of the blue, but in a conversation about food or while eating something together, right? Or how many vegans just came to you when you were walking outside? Of course, we have the need to tell other people because we are passionate, but what do you think a basketball fan wants to talk about? We all know the answer. But most vegans are happy if you just accept their decision and don’t judge them for their lifestyle habits. Of course, we want to stop animal agriculture but mostly by living as a good example and inform the others from time to time. But we still enjoy our family and friends disregarding what they eat. And we often feel as uncomfortable as you because we don’t want to get into a discussion and just enjoy the time with our friends.

Do the change and go vegan

By simply making other choices in the supermarket you can have a direct impact on the harm caused to other living beings. If you have any concerns regarding veganism have a look at my other articles and if you still have open questions or if you are struggling at a specific point, just leave me a comment or contact me directly. If you want to support this webpage and me to continue spreading the vegan message you can do this here. Thank you a lot.

Don’t close your eyes and ask yourself what stops you to make a difference? I am convinced you won’t regret it.
