The Vegan A-Z

The Vegan A-Z2019-12-13T12:13:08+00:00

….but veganism is not…

You will hear common arguments against veganism on a regular basis, that’s why I created this page. In this section, you can find a collection of the most common prejudices, questions and arguments, which come up in discussions with vegans/veganism. As it is an often discussed topic, I thought it could be helpful for everyone, if vegan or not to get an understanding on how to response to others or just for educating yourself on veganism. So just read through some of these prejudices and discussions to get a better understanding what veganism is about. I love interesting discussions and as a very rational person, I totally understand the perspective of non-vegans. I was at the beginning very critical about veganism and I still overthink everything to be sure it is the right thing for me. I don’t just believe every fact I read, just because it is what I would like to hear. But the best thing for choosing better actions is to scrutinize your actions. So I mostly try to show you logical conclusions which don’t need a lot of research to back it up (because this would only lead to a research battle, which mostly doesn’t lead anywhere). And if you have any ideas for missing topics in this collection (and I am sure there are) just let me know and I will try to include them as soon as possible 🙂 If you need some support in going vegan, or telling your friends and family or wherever the shoe pinches, you can also contact me via mail and I will get back to you 😉 I am happy to help.

Tip: Use the search icon on the top to find the questions you are looking for 😉

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